
The Story of the Moravka Plum: Forgotten Variety, Unquestionable Quality

In the heart of Serbia, among the green hills and native land, grows the fruit that carries the soul of our people - the Moravka plum. This autochthonous variety, known for its unique aroma and quality, is more than just a fruit; it is a symbol of tradition, quality and pride of our country.

From ancient times to today, Moravka has been an inseparable part of Serbian culture and agriculture, of hard work and love for the land. Its story is a tale of heritage passed down from generation to generation, of knowledge and skill preserved and nurtured through the ages.

In this blog, we will take you through the history of Moravke, discovering why this plum has become a key ingredient in our rakija and how its characteristics shape the unique taste we value.

History of the Moravka plum

The Moravka plum, one of only a few autochthonous varieties in Serbia, has a long and rich history that is deeply connected with Serbian agriculture and culture. Besides Moravka, Požegača and Crvena Ranka are other well-known autochthonous Serbian plum varieties.

The cultivation of plums in Serbia, including Moravka, dates back to the Middle Ages. During that time, plums were grown in monasteries and on feudal estates, and later on the properties of the local population. During Ottoman rule, plum cultivation gradually expanded, and Moravka held a special place due to its unique delicious characteristics and adaptation to local conditions.

During the time of Miloš Obrenović, a lot was invested in the development of plum growing, making the export of plums a profitable business. In 1864, in addition to the production of rakija and jam, the drying of plums began. It is said that after the First World War, Serbia paid off its debt to France with dried plums.

Properties of Moravka plums

Moravka plum, an autochthonous variety from Serbia, stands out for its special features:

  1. Size and Appearance: Moravka is known for its small size, which contributes to the concentration of its flavors and aromas.
  2. Complexity of Taste: It is characterized by an intense and rich taste, with a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, which makes it ideal for the production of rakija.
  3. Adaptability and Resilience: This plum adapts well to the local climatic conditions in Serbia and shows great resistance to different growing conditions.
  4. Historical and Cultural Significance: Moravka plum has an important place in Serbian tradition, especially in the production of rakija.
Here you can see the difference between Stanley (left) and Moravka (right)

A forgotten variety

Despite the historical and cultural significance of Moravka, the cultivation of this variety began to decline due to its smaller size. This smaller size resulted in less fruit flesh, making Moravka less profitable for commercial cultivation and trade. As a result, farmers increasingly switched to growing larger and fleshier plum varieties, gradually reducing the cultivation of Moravka plums.

For us at the "Under Peaceful Roofs" distillery, preserving Moravka plums is more than just a practice - it's our passion and responsibility to our heritage. Moravka plums are not only the fruit of our region but also an integral part of our family history in rakija production. For generations, our ancestors have lovingly and devotedly crafted rakija from this indigenous variety, passing down knowledge and tradition from one generation to the next.

We believe that preserving Moravka plums is crucial not only for maintaining tradition but also for conserving biodiversity and the cultural identity of our region. That's why we have established partnerships with local farmers in our area, offering them support and encouragement to replant and nurture Moravka plums. Through our business practices and rakija production, we give them a reason to continue cultivating this valuable variety. We help preserve a variety on the brink of oblivion while simultaneously creating premium rakija that reflects the spirit and character of our region.

This approach not only preserves the past, but also builds a bridge to the future where Moravka plum occupies a central place in our community and in the hearts of rakija lovers around the world.

Moravka and rakija

One of the key advantages of Moravka plums for rakija production lies in their ability to create a spirit with pronounced and complex aromas. Due to their small size, sugars and aromatic components in Moravka plums are naturally concentrated, resulting in a more intense and richer flavor in the distillate. This specific flavor ensures that the characteristics of the plum itself are transferred through the distillation process, giving the rakija a unique and recognizable profile.

In addition, Moravka is distinguished by its resistance to variations in climatic conditions, which makes it a reliable variety for growing in different parts of Serbia. This resistance contributes to the stability of the quality of the rakija produced, which is of great importance for maintaining production standards.

Through these characteristics, Moravka plums not only represent traditional value but also provide the foundation for producing premium rakija that highlights the richness of flavor and quality of Serbian land.

In this way, we invite you to support traditional and local products. Our passion for the Moravka plum is not only an expression of our respect for the past, but also our contribution to preserving the unique values of our region. By supporting local products, we not only preserve cultural heritage, but also strengthen the local community and economy.

Let our rakija of Moravka plums be a reminder of the strength and beauty of tradition, and an inspiration to continue to cherish and appreciate what makes us unique.

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